
What are the advantages of the self-service camera in the vehicle management office?

When the self-service photo taking machine of the vehicle management office is taking photos, most of the friends also hope to take the photos very well. In life, they may use various software to beautify the photos in an all-round way, and also hope their photos look comfortable. What are the advantages of the whole photo taking process?

1. Take photos of various certificates
At the same time of self-service camera shooting, it is necessary to shoot various kinds of certificate photos reasonably. Professional HD cameras are all equipped with some advanced functions, and the system can take the required qualified photos according to the actual situation.

2. Read ID card information
The public security organ fully authenticates the relevant ID card reader, and can effectively and quickly identify the ID card information.

3. Precise shooting effect
In the existing shooting process, there are 18 megapixel cameras, and the maximum resolution can also be improved, which can guarantee the quality of all photos in the actual shooting.

4. Power seat height adjustment
Some of the height of the seat equipment to adjust more buttons, to achieve a very good shooting effect.